Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God OR Humanity?

It Says: "Isvarapranidhana - total surrender to God or Humanity"
Ishvarapranidhana represents surrender to, and love for, the divinity within the individual in Hinduism and Yoga.
1. Either the typist or Wikipedia spelled this concept incorrectly.
2. I picked this up off of the bathroom floor at school.
3. It would seem from my blog that I pick up just about anything off of the ground from inappropriate places.  This may or may not actually be true.
4. I think it's strange that something seems profound if you find it crumpled on the ground instead of in a stack of other pieces of paper exactly like it.  It's as if the paper was left there for you.  But it wasn't.  Wake up and smell the coffee!  Just kidding. I would never say, "wake up and smell the coffee."
5. Surrendering to either God or Humanity seems like a pretty important distinction.
6. People who do too much yoga make me angry. Sting is a douche bag. He does lots of yoga.
7. There are probably lots of people in my neighborhood who have the yoga symbol tattooed on their hip or neck or some other really interesting and attractive place.
8. I hope the bathroom fortune cookie find didn't have poop on it.
9. But I didn't wash my hands to get rid of diseases, so I guess Ill just wait and see...
10. Poop


  1. My wife does yoga nearly every day. Sometimes she makes me angry. But not because she does yoga every day. Do they make you angry because they're stretchy? Or because they tend to be a mite self-righteous? J is hardly ever self-righteous. There are several problems with yoga in this country. Perhaps the "in this country" was unnecessary.

  2. Everything I say is complete nonsense. Sometimes I hate people who do yoga. Sometimes I wish Gene Wilder was in my living room. I like your wife, which outweighs any distaste I may have for people who do yoga. Also, I'm ridiculous. I do, however, like things that are stretchy.
