Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The Poster goes a little something like this:
Is your band struggling to come up with a name? (Go with something that starts with "the" or try using three unrelated words to astound/mistify/impress your audience)
Do the animals in the zoo look sad to you? (Like, because they're in cages...or whatever)
Are you confused by the paradoxes of sex and art? (You should be. That's the point)
This poster exemplifies the ideologies of the 20-30somethings who inhabit my urban neighborhood.
I do, in fact, have a complaint: General complaint.
I have never called that phone number.  I like that it floats out in hipster oblivion without a real person on the other end.  Perhaps I should prank call them with a "Prince Albert in a can" joke since they are so consumed by "vintage" EVERYTHING. 

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